The boys all dressed up for Christmas eve service.

Dirk and the boys at home.

A Christmas event on the Marine Corps Base where they had fake snow.
Live Nativity at Church- part of the choir and cast.

Peter was one of the shepherds.

The boys in their Christmas PJ's.
Christmas is over. It always goes by so fast. We celebrated our Christmas a day early. Dirk had to work all day on Christmas day due to the president spending the holidays in Kailua. Peter has almost the whole Christmas story memorized because he played a shepherd in the Live Nativity at our church. Dirk and I actually organized the Live Nativity at our church this year. It was a very busy month. It was a great event with hula group, choir, stable, wisemen, live animals, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, and of-course shepherds. We had about 500 people come from the community and our church to see the two performances. God definitely was the true director because everything went so smoothly-lights, sound, weather, set-up/take-down, parking, etc.
Yesterday we spent at the beach and the boys had a great time and then last night we went to Christmas eve service. It was a relaxing day!