Tuesday, July 16, 2013

End of the School Year Fun

It was a very busy June. 
Ben finished preschool.
Ben and teacher Cathy
Peter finished 2nd grade and performed at Key Arena on his unicycle with his unicycle club.
Peter on the big screen.

Annie's belly continued to grow...

Baseball Days

Peter and Ben both played baseball this last spring.  It was Peter's second year playing ball. The highlight of Peter's year was he pitched for the first time with 9 strikes in a row.  Ben did a great job in his first year playing t-ball.


We also spent some time going to Mariner's games. 

Family Photo Shoot

My very talented friend, Amanda, came over to take some photos of the family and my pregnant belly.  It was a few months ago and my belly is a lot larger now. Anyhow, it was very fun and Amanda had the boys laughing. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Valentine's Day Pizza

One thing Dirk did a lot when he were dating and newly married was make homemade pizza.  It had been about 12 years since he made pizza, so he decided to teach his boys how to make heart shaped pizzas for Valentine's Day.   They turned out pretty well.

Skiing and Boarding

The boys have gotten really good this year with skiing and snowboarding.  Peter looks like a small Dirk carving down the hill.  Ben is getting really good at skiing down steep slopes and staying in control.  I am really proud of both of them.  Peter would like to go up every weekend, but Dirk is working on Saturdays and it cost a lot to buy tickets.  I am out for the rest of the season due to my big pregnant belly.  They have been to Crystal, Stevens, Snoquamile, and Alpental so far this year. 

Our Foster Daughter Left

Our Foster daughter a little over a month ago.  It was a unique experience having her live with us.  We learned a lot about ourselves.  It was very challenging at times.  We hope she is doing well.  Dirk is making Christma cookies with her in this picture.