Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer Days

Annie and her mom after the Lanikai 2 triathlon.

Being silly.

We had just finished snorkeling except for Peter (back in May).

Big brother and little brother

Ben blowing bubbles with Annie's visior on.

The 4th of July

Smoothies after soccer.

Dirk's CG alumni reception back in May. Summer is fun. I am so happy that I am blessed to be able to be home with my kids. It is hard at times but overall it is great.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Soccer

Sorry- I haven't posted in so long. Dirk is gone to Alabama for the month to help with the clean-up efforts. So I have been busy being the Mom and Dad. Here a few photos that my neighbor took of Peter's soccer game last Saturday. I promise to post more photos in the next few days.
But here is a brief summary of the summer... we spend the days swimming, biking, scooting, playing tennis, and playing every possible imaginary game. Ben loves legos and turning everything into a boat. They both love good guys/bad guys games and being silly. Peter loves to ask me challenging questions like how does a car engine work and what materials are boats built out of and how do the boats float(which I normally instruct him to call his Daddy and he does by himself). I make the boys do chores, read, help with yardwork, etc. which they tend to complain about and call me mean names (especially Peter). But I hope that I am helping them become great men one day. Summer has been really fun. I have really enjoyed playing at the pool and beach and just having time to spend with the boys. Peter starts school in 2 weeks and I am very sad. I will truly miss him. Last year we homeschooled and overall it was a great experience when Peter listened. But this year he is headed across the street to the local elementary school. Ben will not know what to do without his brother to boss him around. But he will adjust. I hope that you are having a wonderful summer. Dirk is home soon and that will be really nice.