Peter got a surfboard for Christmas and has been surfing pretty much straight since. He came home from the beach today and said, "Mom I got up 26 times." I am really proud of him and of-course a little scared as well. It is scary to see your little boy wipe-out and for those few seconds while he is under the water you are praying very hard that he is okay. I will post a picture of Peter surfing soon.
Ben received a guitar for Christmas. The boys have been singing and playing songs for us. It is so cute and fun to watch.
We also spent some time out on Kaneohe Bay and got to snorkel with manta rays. We all tried paddleboarding and really enjoyed it. We did many Christmas events and really tried to enjoy this season.
We had a great Christmas and we hope you did too.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Our church had a Halloween carnival. Peter guessed the right number of candies and toys in the jar so he won the jar. We sent the majority of the candy with Dirk to work. I think we ended up with 300 pieces of candy. My kids don't even really eat candy so we had to get it out of house before I eat it all.
Peter was a forest ranger(without boots because it is very hard to find boots in Hawaii). Ben was a firefighter. They had a good time doing all the games and winning candy. Annie worked the bowling booth for the third year in the row.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Peter is now over the hill
Peter got a new big boy bike for his 6th birthday! He can go super fast now, he was going 13 mph around out little loop...scary! 
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Summer Days
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Summer Soccer
Sorry- I haven't posted in so long. Dirk is gone to Alabama for the month to help with the clean-up efforts. So I have been busy being the Mom and Dad. Here a few photos that my neighbor took of Peter's soccer game last Saturday. I promise to post more photos in the next few days.
But here is a brief summary of the summer... we spend the days swimming, biking, scooting, playing tennis, and playing every possible imaginary game. Ben loves legos and turning everything into a boat. They both love good guys/bad guys games and being silly. Peter loves to ask me challenging questions like how does a car engine work and what materials are boats built out of and how do the boats float(which I normally instruct him to call his Daddy and he does by himself). I make the boys do chores, read, help with yardwork, etc. which they tend to complain about and call me mean names (especially Peter). But I hope that I am helping them become great men one day. Summer has been really fun. I have really enjoyed playing at the pool and beach and just having time to spend with the boys. Peter starts school in 2 weeks and I am very sad. I will truly miss him. Last year we homeschooled and overall it was a great experience when Peter listened. But this year he is headed across the street to the local elementary school. Ben will not know what to do without his brother to boss him around. But he will adjust. I hope that you are having a wonderful summer. Dirk is home soon and that will be really nice.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Honolulu Triathlon
Here are the boys cheering their dad on in the Honolulu Triathlon. They were pulled from their comfy beds at 4:30am to come drop dad off before the race. They made this awesome sign (with some help from mom) which was great to see coming in from one of the three legs.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Peter's Broken Arm
Peter broke his arm last Sunday climbing a fence at church. He had to have surgery and three pins/screws put into his arm. It was a level three break- the worst. He also spent the night in the hospital so that they could check him for nerve damage during teh night and into the next morning. He had one cast on for the first week until the swelling went down and this morning he got his new cast. It is very cool.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Peter competed in Sparks-A-Rama at the end of March. He had a great time and loved it. Sparks-A-Rama is a competition between Awana Sparks teams from different churches who compete in 6 different games for points. Faith Baptist Church (Peter's team) won this year. Peter was very sad when it was over and shocked that it only happen once a year. He thought he got to do it every Saturday.
Here is Peter in his Sparks uniform. He loves going. He has a great memory and has memorized over 50 Bible verses this year. He really enjoys playing the games as well. Dirk participated in Sparks as a child and has very fond memories of his Sparks days.
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